Home News Linear heat detection system launched

Linear heat detection system launched

by Andy Clutton

lhdc_groupshot2Hochiki Europe has launched a range of Linear Heat Detection (LHD) systems to provide heat detection over large distances and in challenging environments. The LHD System is designed to provide early detection of fire and overheating in circumstances where other forms of detection would not be viable.

The range offers both analogue and conventional products with the conventional Linear Heat Detection Cable (LHDC) able to identify the zones in a fire condition, while the addressable LHDC can isolate the heat to within one metre. This ensures facility owners and managers have time to deal with outbreaks before there is any damage to infra-structure or equipment.

Providing the LHDC has not been subjected to excessive temperatures, the alarm condition can also be reset at the zonal controller which is useful when carrying out annual maintenance.

David Brown, product manager at Hochiki Europe, commented: “Large, but enclosed spaces, like tunnels and car parks, or even production lines, present particular challenges for property owners when it comes to fire safety. The sheer volume of space that has to be monitored can be an issue for standard equipment, while the build-up of dust or other contaminants in the air can lead to false alarms. With solutions like the LHD range, facility owners can do more than simply ensure they have complete and reliable coverage of their sites. The systems’ ability to pinpoint incidents means they can act quickly to prevent fires spreading, protecting vital equipment and structural supports from harm. In doing so, they can be confident that building occupants and the site are safe from fire.”

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