Home News Videcon enhances password protection with EPC

Videcon enhances password protection with EPC

by Andy Clutton

The Videcon and Concept Pro team has announced the arrival of Sequrinet password protection on the range of professional recording devices. From the beginning of April, installers will have the option of Enhanced Password Control, this will prohibit the use of ‘1234’ and other easily infiltrated passwords and only allow the use of passwords that feature a combination of numbers, lower case letters, upper case letters and symbols that are over five characters long.

Enhanced Password Control will also remove the use of drop down user name profiles. Upon selection, the EPC will remove any backdoor user capability and will disable P2P and DDNS options by default.

The company says that it understands that certain installations will not require such a high level of security; therefore, EPC is purely optional. Compatibility with organisations requiring a stringent level of password protection is essential and it is this compatibility that improves the market suitability of the system for use in government, public space and banks.

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